09.2019 - 12.2021

New mobile app for food retailer “O’KEY„

O'KEY Group is a major Russian supermarket chain with stores in cities across the country. Since O'KEY was planning to transition to a microservice architecture to ensure high speed and fault tolerance of systems, this was an excellent opportunity to completely redesign the mobile application to improve the user experience.
Date of launch:
March 2021

New mobile app updated on App store & Play Market.

New rating:
4.7 in 2022

The old rating was 3,5 in 2019

Orders from app:
Over 47%

From annual report 2020

Project objective

O'KEY aims to redesign its app to cater to the diverse needs of customers across different cities while maintaining a consistent user experience. This includes integrating offline and online shopping experiences seamlessly, ensuring the app can handle high user loads without performance issues, and enhancing customer satisfaction through personalized shopping recommendations and deals.

My role

I estimated project workload, collaborated with engineers, conducted research, and made decisions. I presented solutions, coordinated layout approvals, and ensured creative alignment. After launch, I maintained layout updates and supported both website and app development.

The team

The project involved a diverse team consisting of a solo designer, 10+ engineers with a team lead, 1 analyst, 1 project managers, 4+ testers.


CJM have created before starting project
Research Phase Challenges
Convincing the client of the research's necessity was challenging. We worked with limited resources and respondents, mainly using internal company resources. I analyzed the old app, collected user feedback from sources like app store reviews, articles, and surveyed current and new users. This formed a Customer Journey Map with potential solutions. The marketing team found this tool valuable for pitching to the client.
Version since 2015

Dividing screen

Omnichannel Integration.

The company decided to merge new offline features for O'KEY hypermarkets into the existing online shopping app instead of creating a separate one. This choice was made because the new features were unique and not offered by competitors.

Omnichannel Integration.

Explaining the concept of offline functionality, only available in the store, proved challenging as online shopping is already familiar to users. To ease into it, we took a small step. O'KEY had paper catalogs that users could access as PDFs on the app or website. We separated these products, allowing users to create lists specific to a hypermarket, track availability, prices, and view current promotions.

In the future, this offline functionality may expand to display all products available in a specific store, search for items or sections, and navigate routes and so on.

Usability study

Initially, we had only two design options for the dividing screen based on the client's needs. A quick the Hallway testing showed that it's challenging even for our office staff. To address this, I created more versions. With our analyst, we formed a focus group. Through iterative testing, we examined eight scenarios, refining our approach until we found the version that aligned with our audience and met the client's needs.

Let’s see the video of dividing screen

Prototype link in Figma

High-Fidelity Designs of app

Each scenario was individually reviewed and approved by O'KEY representatives. We created three component libraries(red): core components (like logos and colors), iOS, and Android.

Initially, the client hesitated to invest time in their own component libraries. However, during the final layout approval process, I could quickly make changes right in front of them, such as rearranging content blocks. This greatly reduced approval time, and the client appreciated the usefulness of the component libraries.

Main screen of online shop & offline functionality

Booking a delivery time in advance

Login & Sign up

Catalog. Different type of products

My goods. Favorites & Shopping lists

Cart with personal discounts


My orders

Personal discount


Help & Onbordings

